P.S. 97
The Highlawn School
• 1855 Stillwell Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11223 • (718) 627-7550 •
Home of the LIONS!
"Where Leaders Inspire Others and Never Give Up!"
P.S. 97 Happenings
Every Friday is
SchoolSpirit Day!
Spirit Gear with our school mascot, the LION, for sale.
Please see the PTA
February 5th
World Read Aloud Day
Leaders are READERS!
Family Volunteer Day :)
February 7th
Family Cookshop #2 at 8:30AM
February 10th- 14th
Respect For All Week
Valentine's Day Boutique- Lunchtime
February 11th
Friendship Day- ALL GRADES :)
February 12th
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Family Circle at 9:00AM
February 13th
Inside Out Day- ALL GRADES :)
Wear your clothes INSIDE OUT to show it's what's on the INSIDE that counts!
PTA Meeting at 9AM
February 14th
Happy Valentine's Day P.S.97 :)
No One Eats Alone Day
February 17th- 21st
President's Week
February 24th
School Reopens :)
Breakfast with the Principal
In person at 9AM
Family Workshop at 10AM
February 25th
100th Day of School!
Science Family Fun Night Grades 3K-2 at 6:00PM
February 26th
3K and PK Applications Close
Picture Retake Day
Leader of the Month Ceremony at 9AM
February 27th
SLT Meeting at 11AM
Talent Show #1: Grades 3, 4 & 5
Doors open at 5:30PM
February 28th
Family Yoga at 8:45AM
School Spirit Day
Every Friday!
*Wear your PS 97 Gear*
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The links on this website are provided for your information and convenience. By clicking on a link you will be leaving the PS97K website. Please be aware that while we make every effort to evaluate all the sites to which we link, we cannot endorse nor be responsible for the content provided on those sites. Surf Safely!
Statement on Accessibility
We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact us to request assistance.